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GH gets C-arm machine for neurosurgeries

N. R. Sivapathi, Minister for School Education, inaugurating the C-arm surgical machine at Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Government Hospital in the city on Sunday. Photo: Special ArrangementA state-of-the-art C-arm machine was installed at the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Government Hospital here on Sunday. The equipment worth Rs.10 lakh would be used in advanced surgeries involving spine, brain and bones.
The equipment was funded by claims collected for procedures performed under the Chief Ministers Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme, according to Dean A.Karthikeyan. N.R.Sivapathi, Minister for School Education, Law, Youth Welfare and Sports, inaugurated the surgical facility at the hospital.
The C-arm machine is used to get special x-ray imaging. As it is mobile, it ensures greater patient comfort.
The C-arm machine would be used in repairing spine and vertebral damage sustained by road traffic accidents.
The equipment would also come into use in surgeries involving disc prolapse in neck or spine, tuberculosis in spine and tumours of the spinal cord. Poor patients would benefit from the surgeries, felt ministers and officials present. Collector Jayashree Muralidharan was among those present.

1 comment

Unknown said...

I'm glad that more hospitals are able to get C-arms to help with procedures. I've seen first hand the benefits of having one of them when I had procedures done. They are really amazing machines and can do so much. It'd be interesting to know how they take care of them and service them. I'm going to have to look into that.
-Seamus | Chicago C-Arms

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