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1,792 applications received by BIM

Based on CAT 2011 examination as the eligible entrance examination for its MBA programme, Bharathidasan Institute of Management (BIM) has received 1,792 applications through online registrations and manual mode.

According to a press release, call letters for the second stage of selection process: Group Discussion and Personal Interview have been sent to 1,497 shortlisted candidates. The GD and PI will take place from March 16 to April 1 at Tiruchi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi, and Chennai, the release said, adding that the Institute follows the Tamil Nadu Government guidelines for reservation of seats under various categories.

The final list of selected and waitlisted candidates was expected to be published in the second week of April.

The selection of the candidates will be based on the cumulative marks secured by the candidates in the CAT exam, GD & PI, work experience, and academic performance, the release said.

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